
Data Standards Subcommittee (DSS)

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Subcommittee Chair

David Fellows


Data Standards Subcommittee develops standards for the delivery of digital service for supporting high-speed data, video, VoIP, and other services over cable networks.

DSS is developing a long list of standards related to the transmission, test methods, and monitoring of data communications over broadband networks. 

Working Groups

Internet of Things (IoT)

The SCTE IoT Working Group’s charter is to focus on making standards and operational practices deployable and manageable for service providers, to facilitate communication between service providers and industry partners to standardize new IoT based services, and to identify and adapt use cases available in the IoT community to service provider’s business objectives.  

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Current Projects

In October 2016, the Society launched DSS’s Internet of Things (IoT) Working Group to position the cable telecommunications industry as a pivotal delivery channel for IoT technologies, products, and services.

• Security 

• Blockchain 

• Premises Network Infrastructure

• Utility Monitoring 

• Home Wellness and Elderly Care 

• Premise network management for IoT devices

• Firmware Management 

Facilitate communication between service providers and industry partners to standardize new IoT based services

Focus on making standards and operational practices deployable and manageable for service providers

Adapt use cases available in the IoT community to service provider’s business objectives