SCTE LiveLearning Webinars™ 2021 Schedule

SCTE LiveLearning Webinars 2021 Schedule

SCTE Live Learning Webinar Series: Sizing Up the New Cable Tech Landscape

Date: 1/21/2021 11:00 am New York / 4:00 pm London

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Now that CableLabs and SCTE|ISBE are becoming one, cable tech advances are bound to accelerate as the combined organization doubles down on making the industry’s 10G quest a reality. Which advances will likely come first? What will be the priorities of the newly enlarged specs and standards group? Join us for a special LiveLearning session as we speak with the leaders of CableLabs and SCTE|ISBE about their vision and plans.

SCTE Live Learning Webinar Series: Making the Most of DOCSIS OFDMA

Date: 2/18/2021 11:00 am New York / 4:00 pm London

Sponsors: VIAVI & Red Hat

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Now that North American and European cable operators have deployed DOCSIS 3.1 across both continents, cable operators and vendors are turning their attention to squeezing more juice out of the spec. In particular, they are working on using technologies and techniques like Profile Management Application (PMA), Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) and dynamic upstream configuration management to expand their upstream capacity in the face of traffic spikes produced by COVID-19 lockdowns. In this session, we will explore these various next-gen methods, discuss the issues they raise and learn how much capacity they can add to their D3.1 networks.

SCTE Live Learning Webinar Series: What's New with DAA & Flexible MAC

Date: 3/18/2021 11:00 am New York / 4:00 pm London

Sponsors: VIAVI

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After years of trials, cable operators and vendors are increasingly rolling out distributed access architecture (DAA) technology to shift key headend functions and equipment to the access network, thereby expanding the HFC network's capacity to deliver new, more advanced services and operate more efficiently and effectively. Now, with the release of CableLabs' new Flexible MAC Architecture (FMA) spec, industry engineers can freely choose among Remote PHY, Remote MAC/PHY, virtual CMTS and other DAA variants as they seek to meet their customer needs. This webinar will examine FMA and other advances in DAA technology and standards, as well as look at where operators and vendors stand with DAA deployments now.

SCTE Live Learning Webinar Series: Winning with Wireless: Embracing 5G & Wi-Fi 6/6E

Date: 4/15/2021 11:00 am New York / 4:00 pm London

Sponsors: Red Hat

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Now that both 5G and Wi-Fi 6 are rolling out across the planet, cable operators have promising opportunities to use these two next-gen wireless technologies to expand their reach and boost their service offerings. But both new technologies also present new technical, operational and competitive challenges for operators used to working in a wireline environment. In this session, we will delve into those opportunities and challenges and see how operators and vendors are working to incorporate 5G and Wi-Fi 6 into the cable HFC architecture and turn wireless services into the industry's latest gold mine.

SCTE Live Learning Webinar Series: Fighting Fiber with More Fiber

Date: 5/20/2021 11:00 am New York / 4:00 pm London

Sponsors: VIAVI

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Fighting fiber with fiber seems to be the cable industry's mantra these days. Even as they complete their rollout of DOCSIS 3.1 and start gearing up for DOCSIS 4.0, cable operators are scrambling to put more fiber in their ever-evolving HFC networks. That’s because fiber continues to be the biggest enabler of most—if not all—of the technological, financial, operational, and competitive gains that operators are seeking. Yet, even as they invest more heavily in fiber, operators still face critical questions about how to leverage those investments to the fullest. This webinar will explore where cablecos and vendors are going with fiber, examine the challenges they face and discuss the implications.

SCTE Live Learning Webinar Series: Putting Next-Gen PON to Work

Date: 6/17/2021 11:00 am New York / 4:00 pm London

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While DOCSIS may still have plenty of fuel left in the tank, PON is rapidly emerging as a critical alternative transmission method for the cable industry as operators increasingly install more fiber lines in their HFC plant. Whether they are leveraging EPON, GPON, 10G EPON, XGS PON or some other PON flavor, cablecos and vendors are increasingly deploying some version of PON technology to expand their bandwidth capacity. How is the industry using the different PONs? Which PON versions are emerging as most popular and why? How can operators and vendors mix and match PON and DOCSIS in their networks? This webinar will tackle these questions and more.

SCTE Live Learning Webinar Series: 10G or Bust: HFC & the Future Access Network

Date: 7/15/2021 11:00 am New York / 4:00 pm London

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Facing potential competition from 5G-enabled fixed wireless, the cable industry is ardently pursuing an ambitious 10G (as in 10 Gbps) initiative to develop its multi-gigabit broadband prowess over a combination of HFC, fiber and wireless networks. But, even with the release of CableLabs' multi-gig DOCSIS 4.0 spec last year, it's not clear that cable operators and vendors are ready to make that next great leap to symmetrical 10 Gbps service. What will it take for the industry to get there? What are the chief hurdles that must still be surmounted? In this session, our team of technologists will evaluate the state of cable's 10G quest.

SCTE Live Learning Webinar Series: Tapping Into the Cloud

Date: 8/19/2021 11:00 am New York / 4:00 pm London

Sponsors: Red Hat

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The cable industry is now ardently pursuing a software-based strategy as it seeks to shift network functions and services from their legacy proprietary hardware to the cloud. Led by such major MSOs as Comcast in North America and Liberty Global in Europe, cablecos have started disaggregating their access networks and virtualizing network firewalls, routers/gateways, set-top boxes, cable modem termination system (CMTS) chasses and other key functions and equipment. It's all part of a broader drive to boost bandwidth, lower latency levels, scale operations, slash operating costs and deliver more advanced services to subscribers. This session will explore cable's evolving cloud strategy, look at where those efforts may lead and examine what the industry still needs to do.

SCTE Live Learning Webinar Series: Engineering the DOCSIS 4.0 Network (FDX and ESD)

Date: 9/23/2021 11:00 am New York / 4:00 pm London

Sponsors: VIAVI & Red Hat

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With DOCSIS 3.1 almost universally deployed, cable operators and vendors are now preparing for the rollout of yet another next-gen version of DOCSIS. Known as DOCSIS 4.0, this new set of specs incorporates the features of both Full Duplex DOCSIS (FDX) and Extended Spectrum DOCSIS (ESD), giving operators two separate but complementary ways to expand their bandwidth capacity and deliver symmetrical speeds of 25 Gbps or more to broadband subscribers. In this session, we will delve into the details of DOCSIS 4.0, explore what the new specs will enable, discuss upcoming tests and trials and see what the timeline for deployments will be.

SCTE Live Learning Webinar Series: Lighting Up Coherent Optics

Date: 10/21/2021 11:00 am New York / 4:00 pm London

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Coherent optics is a long-standing long-haul technology that cable engineers are now exploring to vastly increase the amount of data delivered over HFC access networks, offer much higher speeds to customers and boost the optical performance of fiber links without overhauling the entire cable plant. With cable operators facing surging consumption of streaming video and ever-growing demand for bandwidth especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, coherent optics promises to be a powerful way to ease the mounting capacity loads very efficiently. But how easily can this long-haul optical technology be adapted for cable access networks? What major challenges must still be overcome? This webinar will focus on the great promise of coherent optics, the work that cable technologists are doing with it and the hurdles that they are seeking to scale.

SCTE Live Learning Webinar Series: How to Test the Next-Gen Cable Network

Date: 11/18/2021 11:00 am New York / 4:00 pm London

Sponsors: VIAVI & Red Hat

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Cable technologists love to talk about the great potential of DOCSIS 4.0, Distributed Access Architecture (DAA), Flexible MAC Architecture, Fiber Deep, network virtualization and other new technologies and specs. But, even as cable operators and their tech partners move ahead with upgrades of their HFC networks and deployments of these new technologies, they are running smack into fresh challenges testing, monitoring and maintaining these next-gen networks. This session will dive into the challenges of measuring, monitoring and testing the evolving cable network and discuss how operators and vendors are coping with these challenges.

SCTE Live Learning Webinar Series: Virtualizing the Cable Access Network

Date: 12/16/2021 11:00 am New York / 4:00 pm London

Sponsors: Red Hat

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Despite getting off to a relatively late start, the cable industry is now staking out its own claim in the network virtualization space. Led by such major MSOs as Comcast, Liberty Global, Cox and Shaw, cable operators and their technology partners are particularly moving ahead with virtualizing the cable access network and edge-computing initiatives to meet growing bandwidth demands, boost service delivery, enhance network performance, slash operating costs and bring new products, services and features to market quicker. But much more work remains to be done. This webinar will review cable's latest virtualization moves, assess the industry's early progress, examine what's working and what's not and look at where cable goes next.