Welcome from the Energy Program Office

Energy 20/20 - Milestones


The SCTE Energy 20/20 Program brings the cable operators and vendor communities together to address our industry's energy challenges. This page highlights the contributions made at our semi-annual meetings.


In 2010, SCTE began to investigate the possibilities of energy efficiencies for the cable industry.  We examined some technology at that time was first emerging as commercially ready to help drive down energy consumption.  Technology today that is commonplace such as LED lighting, server virtualization, and fuel cell backup power was deployed as a proof in concept projects.  All of these trials were very successful and them along with the solar photovoltaic plant installed on the SCTE office in Exton Pennsylvania resulted in a 40% reduction in grid energy usage.

With those successes, the SCTE energy program team turned its attention outward to the industry.  In 2014 the Energy 20/20 program began at the fall Cable-Tec Expo show.  In a standing room only setting, the framework for motivating the industry was outlined and started.  The industry is very different now than it was in 2014.  The operating companies have consolidated, major names in the vendor space have shifted and advances in efficiencies have been announced.  As we turn the calendar to 2021, SCTE’s Energy Program is positioned to continue to encourage sustainable energy management approaches to help drive down costs and increase operating energy efficiencies.  This success story report highlights the major milestones of the Energy 20/20 Program.  If you would like to get engaged in standards development or write an article for the SCTE Technical Journal, please contact the Senior Director of the Energy Management Programs Derek DiGiacomo.

Thank you and please enjoy the review.

CableLabs Energy Blog

Check out how CableLabs® Plays a role in researching and developing energy efficient strategies

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Gridmetrics™ Power Event Notifications (PENS)

By aggregating network data, the Power Event Notification System (PENS) provides an observation view of the stat of power in the last mile of the distribution grid.