ANSI/SCTE 24-22 2018

iLBCv2.0 Speech Codec Specification for Voice over IP Applications in Cable Telephony

This document contains the description of an algorithm for coding of speech signals sampled at 8 kHz. The algorithm, called iLBC, uses a block-independent linear-predictive coding (LPC) algorithm and has support for two basic frame lengths: 20 ms at 15.2 kbit/s and 30 ms at 13.33 kbit/s. When the codec operates at block lengths of 20 ms, it produces 304 bits per block, which SHOULD be packetized as in RFC 3952. Similarly, for block lengths of 30 ms it produces 400 bits per block, which SHOULD be packetized as in RFC 3952. The two modes for the different frame sizes operate in a very similar way. When they differ it is explicitly stated in the text, usually with the notation x/y, where x refers to the 20 ms mode and y refers to the 30 ms mode.

The described algorithm results in a speech coding system with a controlled response to packet losses similar to what is known from pulse code modulation (PCM) with packet loss concealment (PLC), such as the ITU-T G.711 standard, which operates at a fixed bit rate of 64 kbit/s. At the same time, the described algorithm enables fixed bit rate coding with a quality-versus-bit rate tradeoff close to state-of-the-art. A suitable RTP payload format for the iLBC codec is specified in RFC 3952.

Some of the applications for which this coder is suitable are real time communications such as telephony and videoconferencing, streaming audio, archival, and messaging.

This document is organized as follows. Section 5 gives a brief outline of the codec. The specific encoder and decoder algorithms are explained in sections 6 and 7, respectively. Appendix A provides a c-code reference implementation.